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Aaron B - Portfolio / STEAM Honors Design and Development Senior Capstone Project

Hello, before you go into a timeline of events leading from the beginning of this project to the expo. All the updates to my project exist publicly, any change was documented on GitHub at
feel free to fork the site for whatever godforsaken reason you have to work on it, I guess it would be an alright template if you figure out how to use it. Good luck.

Conceptualization and version 1
There isn't much to say here other than I struggled coming up with an idea for a project, then hunter suggested I make a website and I thought "alright", and so I made a site, it had some basic information and whatnot it could also change themes when you pressed a button and it loaded a weather report from

Professional Review night
Prototype 2
Prototype 2 is when I started using a template for the site, by that logic the site should have been done with more content on it than it did at the expo. I paused my project for about 1-2 months to help with another project that I'll mention soon enough in this page.

Intermission / 30 second trailer
wow neat a trailer I imported in here for you to watch instead of reading about it.
anyway this video was made because it's graded and I didn't want to fail this class, alternatively it was made so I might be in the running to go on stage during the expo, which I would not have even if I was picked
So the project I spent most of prototype 2 working on was not mine, it was an omni-wheeled wheelchair that was fun to make Abe crash into a wall with.

end of intermission, move on.

Alright I actually enjoyed the expo despite being nervous most of the time and before it, about 30 minutes before the part where all the main presenters went on stage me and Abe decided to figure out where I would be in case anything went wrong while he drove out on stage. Keep in mind this was about 10 minutes after I killed the program on him and he drove into a table, I won't deny I did that to get revenge after he messed with something I put in the code so I would get credit for writing it if anybody bothered to look at the output of the controller on the terminal. Anyway back on topic everything went well on stage I waved from behind a curtain and I got an award called "altruistic analyst" for sacrificing most of my project to help with another. The rest of the expo was mainly wrapping up the night, didn't get any more visitors and really just conversing with family for a couple minutes before most took off and we're cleaning up all the stations for the expo.

Project Contributors
Peers and family:
My dad/Matt B - provided site template
Todd Hunter - offered ideas and helped when I was stuck
Professional Reviewers:
I don't remember their names and my binder is just missing....
Websites: - taught me coding since middle school - usually first result when I googled my problems
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